LifeOxy Demand Valve Resuscitator

MDA Reg No. GB5338919-334169

Inclusive Accessories:

  • High Pressure Tubing
  • Silicone Mask



The demand valve resuscitator provides a safe and effective means of delivering an oxygen concentration to ventilate non-breathing or respiratory distressed patients. The unit can also be used as a standard demand valve to deliver oxygen to spontaneously breathing patients upon demand. This is quality Medical Oxygen equipment built by Ambulac with an in-built oxygen flow control valve. The unit is simple, compact and always ready for instant use and attaches to any standard 400 kPa oxygen outlet.


  • Safe and effective means of delivering oxygen
  • Can be used as a demand valve resuscitator
  • Integral pressure relief valve
  • Can be attached to any standard 400 kPa oxygen outlet